
Abercynon Community Primary School

Ysgol Gymunedol Abercynon


Science and Technology/Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg

Our Science and Technology Vision  


At Abercynon Community Primary School our vision is to give children rich opportunities to be curious about the world around them through experiential learning. To ask questions and apply scientific knowledge to a variety of learning opportunities, whilst understanding the impact of our actions on the world. We must allow our learners to think creatively through designing and engineering tasks in order to become enterprising problem solvers. Our children will be provided the experience to enable them to become global citizens and therefore overcome the challenges of the environment that we face today and in the future. We will provide our learners with opportunities to explore the properties of all living things and understand how a change of matter can impact their environment as well as benefit individuals and industries. Children must recognise how the computational process has changed the way we live and how it can help us make informed decisions - learners must also understand the responsibility of their own digital footprint.  


Our pupils will: 


  • Become critical problem solvers by delivering with a platform that provides progression and depth.  

  • Develop their curiosity through enquiry based learning which enables them to seek answers to big ideas 

  • Engage in a wide variety of digital learning in order to discover and use algorithms to solve real world problems.  

  • Understand the importance of exploration by being resilient to overcome challenges within their learning. 

  • Enhance their understanding of how their choices can impact themselves and others. 

  • Think dynamically to design and create a variety of products which will allow our learners to collaborate towards a creative vision. 
