
Abercynon Community Primary School

Ysgol Gymunedol Abercynon


Rights Respecting Group

Rights Respecting Group/Well Being Council Meeting

18th April 2023


Mrs Pritchard chose children to talk to Healthy Schools visitors on 24th April.


Zen Den in woodland area.  Cable reel table and tyres to be in here.  Mrs Newman to bring bunting in.

Undercover area by the hall door to be a comfy/ chill out area.


School council working on friendship buddies.  Make a buddy bench - Chat to Mr Owen about this.


Both councils are looking forward to the ten year anniversary of our school being open - making a time capsule.

Rights Respecting Group Minutes - 6th February 2023


Joint meeting held with Rights Respecting Group and Wellbeing Council


Rights Respecting Group discussed their ideas for the Playground Charter.  Both councils worked together to finalise the wording so that it was easy for all pupils to understand.


Both councils had ideas for how to Zone the yard.  Pupils would definitely like  a 'Zen Den' and a Chill Out Zone.


Charter to be finalised and include the articles from the UNCRC and then launched in Summer Term. 

Rights Respecting Group Meeting - 23rd November


The Rights Respecting Group have finalised the wording for the signs on the yard.


On our yard, we:


Play with everyone


Have kind hands and feet


Chill out and relax


Listen to playground leaders and grown ups.


Next steps:

Work with wellbeing council to zone the yard - the group would like to include a 'Zen Zone', which would be a quiet area where children can chill out and relax.


Look at designs for our yard signs

Rights Respecting Council - Autumn Term 2022


We met on Monday 24th October with Mrs Smith and Miss Evans-Jones.


We discussed our class charters that we have created with our teachers.  Mrs Smith explained that the next step was to create a school Playground Charter. 


The rights that we feel are important for our yard are:

The right to feel safe

The right to be yourself

The right to play and relax


We need to design it and Mr Jewitt has said that we can ask a company to produce a sign for us to display on the yard.


We are going to bring our design ideas to the next meeting after half term.

Rights Respecting Poster Competition


The Rights Respecting Group had a hard time judging all the amazing entries for the competition.  The group decided they wanted the theme of the posters to be:

The right to relax and play

The right to an education


There were a huge amount of entries! Have a look at the winning posters below:

Poster Competition Winners

Summer Term Targets


Adding rights to  display around the school 

Encourage Walk to school week - 16th May

Run and judge a poster competition

Rights Respecting Council


*******Update******We have heard this week that we have been successful in our first stage of becoming a Rights Respecting School and have the Rights Committed award.  We will soon receive the badge and will be able to display it on our website.


Work on becoming a Rights Respecting School started in the autumn term and the Rights Respecting Council started meeting in the spring term.  Mrs Smith introduced the award to staff and governors in November and we regularly have rights assemblies.  The council have completed a RAG survey to help inform our silver action plan.  They have created a survey for pupils to complete and want to hold a competition for pupils to design their own rights posters.


Summer term update - Right of the Fortnight


Our school value for this half term is Respect.  Assembly started off with how we can respect our planet and was linked to Earth Day.  Pupils completed activities on how they can respect and look after our planet in classes.  We learned about article 6 (The right to life) and article  24 (The Right to the best possible Health)
