
Abercynon Community Primary School

Ysgol Gymunedol Abercynon


Curriculum Council

Pupil Voice - Curriculum Council Meeting – Tuesday 18th April 2023  


We looked at our ASPIRE curriculum focusing on each word and meaning. 

Pupils were interested in the different examples given for each word. 

Discussed what we could do to promote our ASPIRE curriculum around the school ( for pupils).  

Children enjoy all the activities and learning experiences at the school. 

Suggestions related to additional lessons children would like to learn focused on Drama. Several children spoke about the musical show at St David’s hall and were looking forward to being part of this.  



To create a poster for each word ( Ambitious, Skills, purposeful, inclusive, resilient, experiences) based on photographs and text. 

To display these posters around the school. 


Pupil Voice - Curriculum Council Meeting –  Spring Term - January 2023  


This term our topic will be based on the Expressive Arts AOLE. 

Three ( different types ) art clubs are now offered as after school activities. 

Learning location areas based on a space /   woodland themes  were completed in the KS 2 area during part of the Inset Day – Creating a purposeful environment.  

Discussed what types of expressive arts children would like to do.  

Children suggested using ipads to take photographs, playing musical instruments and more music sessions.  


Target :  

To encourage all children to use a variety of art media to create a piece of art work which will be framed. 

To hold an art exhibition in the school.  

To involve  the whole school in a music workshop based on year group topics.  















Curriculum Council Meeting -Monday 24th October 2022 

Summer Term Targets reviewed: Art clubs have been set up and our next theme will be based on the Expressive Arts AOLE. 

Pupils discussed what they have enjoyed learning this term. 

Very interested in humanities topic and expressed they would like to learn about the wider world.  

Interested in history and would like to learn more about different cultures within history such as the Egyptians and Greek mythology. 


Although children feel the Welsh and Spanish languages are beneficial to learn they would also like to learn French in readiness for when they go to their comprehensive school. 


They would like to do more of their own writing during literacy sessions and suggested that although they know some of their peers need to copy from the board they would prefer writing their own ideas independently.  


Children would like to create themed areas in the corridors. We decided these could be called learning locations.  


We will form targets based on the above. 









Summer Term Targets


More drama in lessons and after school clubs


Use the outdoor area more for learning


