Summary of Key Priorities for
Abercynon Community Primary School 2024-2025
Priority 1 –Teaching and Learning - To further develop teaching and learning that improves challenge and independence through our ‘Pwerau Aspire’ approach.
- Establish Learning powers with staff and agree approach in classroom
- Display Learning Powers in all classes
- Develop clear guidance for staff linked to activities and ideas
- Introduction Assembly – Launch Pwerau Aspire initiative
- Curriculum Council to judge competition to design Pwerau Aspire Certificate which will be weekly presented to selected pupil in each class.
- Embed growth mindset questions, vocabulary and use of growth mindset videos on Dojo (Big Ideas).
- Use ideas and approaches linked to previous Independent Learning Project with CSC (2023) - present findings and ideas to staff
- Consider the ‘White Rose Maths’ resource to enhance problem solving skills.
- Carry out Governors Learning Walk with focus on Pwerau Aspire.
- Monitor quality of teaching and learning with focus on pace, challenge and independence and the effectiveness of the Pwerau Aspire approach.
- Collaborate with cluster on ‘Developing Effective Problem Solving/Reasoning in Numeracy’ project.
- INSET day to focus on reading/phonics - update practices and develop approach
Priority 2 – Develop the wellbeing of our school community
- MELSA (Mediation for Learning Support Assistant) - Training for all staff
- Develop and implement a whole school relationships policy. Conduct staff training obtain staff feedback and whole school approach
- Achieve Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award
- Take part in Schools Health Research Network Data Collection and act on the information received
- Gather pupil data on resilience as part of Cluster wellbeing project.
- Investigate area to use for pre-school play group for Summer Term 25.
Priority 3 – To improve oracy and reading skills with particular focus on Welsh oracy skllls
Reading in LLC
- Review reading practices to ensure a consistent approach across the school
- Increase parental involvement in home reading using Oxford reading Buddy – regular home/school reading
- Reader Cup competition – each class to take part in a reading challenge over 4 weeks to increase interest and love for reading
- Invest in more diversity based reading and story resources
Welsh Oracy Skills
- Revise regular use of Helpwr Heddiw and practical games approach – revise ideas and develop resources
- Training MFL Advisors - look at mapping skills and setting non negotiables for cluster
- Eisteddfod & Urdd competitions – music jambori, art and sport events
- Links with YGG Abercynon – shared visits – pupils to teach yard games
- Criw Iaith - focus on developing Welsh around the school
- Upskill staff – Welsh learning training courses – TA to attend Welsh learning L1 and Teacher to attend sabbatical in Jan 25
- Display more bilingual signs around the school and consistent displays of vocab in classes
- Assembly – siarad y wythnos award – weekly presentation