Abercynon Community Primary School
Ysgol Gymunedol Abercynon
Our Humanities Vision
The Humanities Area of Learning and Experience is one which aims to explore the imagination of awe and wonder at a global scale. As 21st Century educators at ACP we encourage our learners to become curious and ethically informed about the world in which they live, how it has changed and how it may change in the future. Children understand the purpose and value of the meaning of their lives and how this may change over time.
Through our inclusivity we aim to ensure that our children can understand the importance of being a respectful member of a diverse society. We aim to encourage children to be responsible by promoting values and identity in ways which can enrich their sense of what it is to be human. Children develop sensitivity, empathy and to recognise the feelings and opinions of others. We aim to expose learners to a range of historical periods on a local, national and global scale, making the links that support the development of a detailed chronological ‘map’ of the past.
A hands on and active approach is used to inspire the inquiring minds of children. This will help children to explore big questions, become critical thinkers and problem solvers. It is our intention that all pupils, irrelevant of needs, make sense of their physical world and their community. Through immersive opportunities, children will explore, observe and investigate people, places and the environment.
Children are to be aware of the changing environment and the natural world and have an understanding of the harmful practices which can prove a threat to these environments. Children commit to sustainability in order to prevent the deterioration of our planet and create a global community where every citizen makes a valuable contribution. Children are able to develop these skills and apply them in a range of different contexts.
Humanities matter to our children’s future. Developing skills in a geographical, historical and religious context will shape learners to make a positive change in an interconnecting global environment.