Abercynon Community Primary School
Ysgol Gymunedol Abercynon
Our LLC Vision
Our pupils will :
Welsh at Abercynon
During the Foundation Phase, children should learn to use and communicate in Welsh to the best of their ability. Children should listen to Welsh being spoken and respond appropriately in familiar situations, using a range of patterns. They should be encouraged to communicate their needs in Welsh and should be increasingly exposed to Welsh. Skills are developed through communicating in a range of enjoyable, practical planned activities, and using a range of stimuli that build on and increase children’s previous knowledge and experiences, in safe and stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environments. The children’s oral experiences should be used to develop their reading skills and they should be encouraged to choose and use Welsh reading materials. They should listen to a range of stimuli, including audio-visual material and ICT interactive software in Welsh. Children should be given a range of opportunities to enjoy mark-making and develop their writing skills in Welsh. Language skills learned in one language should support the development of knowledge and skills in another.
At Key Stage 2, learners build on the skills, knowledge and understanding acquired during the Foundation Phase. This progress is achieved through an integrated programme of oracy, reading and writing. Learners are presented with experiences and opportunities that interrelate the requirements of the Skills and Range sections of the programmes of study.
Learners become confident, coherent and engaging speakers, working as individuals and as members of a group. The experiences presented to them include opportunities to take part in drama and role-play activities. They develop as active and responsive listeners in a wide range of situations. Throughout the key stage, they experience a progressively wide range of demanding texts, for enjoyment and information, so that they can develop into fluent and effective readers. They become competent writers, writing clearly and coherently in a range of forms and for a range of purposes. They acquire a growing understanding of the need to adapt their language to suit purpose and audience. They work with increasing accuracy and become reflective and evaluative in relation to their own and others’ achievements.
Here are some ideas and links to help you practise your Welsh.
Mae siarad cymraeg yn bril, mae siarad cymraeg yn skil!