
Abercynon Community Primary School

Ysgol Gymunedol Abercynon


School Improvement Plan Summary 22-23

Summary of Key Priorities for Abercynon Community

Primary School 2022-2023


Priority –Teaching and Learning

•Develop Baseline assessment in line with the Curriculum for Wales and monitorthe progress of pupils

•To develop a consistent approach to assessment in line with the curriculum for Wales

•To plan for progression and the what matters statements through topics/activities across the school


Priority –Leadership and Management

•To further offer opportunities for staff to develop as leaders and managers through task and finish projects and training courses and accreditation

•To continue as an SLT to develop the Self Evaluation, SIP and MER and review and monitor progress

•To continue to the ALN act moving to IDP’s

•AOLE leaders to develop their understanding of pedagogy and progression


Priority –Literacy, Language and Communication

To improve standards in writing

•To develop the use of Literacy Working Walls

•To further develop the teaching and learning of Welsh and Spanish

•To work towards the ‘Siarter Iaith’ and increase Welsh reading opportunities

•To develop our intervention strategiesensuring all support staff are deployed effectively to raise standards in all areas of Literacy.


Priority –Mathematics and Numeracy

•To develop a calculation policy and a consistent approach to teaching and learning

•To develop the use of a Numeracy working walls

•To use intervention methods such as Number Stacks to improve standards across the school


Priority -Wellbeing

To increase pupil wellbeing, attendance and family engagement

•To employ a wellbeing mentor to support social and emotional needs

•To continue to develop as a Rights Respecting School and each class to have a Class Charter

•To further develop pupil voice and our pupil voice councils
