Abercynon Community Primary School
Ysgol Gymunedol Abercynon
Childcare provision Application
We have received formal advice regarding the situation from RCTCBC council. In order to identify which of our children meet criteria for emergency childcare please complete the following e-forms sent by the council.
This is particularly relevant for :
- key frontline workers with a child/children between the ages of 3 to 14 years
- children who maybe considered as vulnerable learners and you require emergency childcare https://forms.rctcbc.gov.uk/en/Web/coronaviruschildcare/startnew Further Information
• We have been sent a list of children who have been accepted via the application process. Only those who have been accepted can come to school next week.
• We will be open to pupils accepted via application tomorrow (Monday 23rd March) as there is no INSET day.
• This childcare will be in our school with our staff for week 1 but may be in another selected school for week 2 before the Easter break. (More details on this will be given next week).
• The children are to arrive at school at 9am.
• A free breakfast for all pupils will be provided at 9am (there is no breakfast club before 9am) and a hot meal will be provided in school (families who are free school meals will not be charged).
• Children do not need to wear uniform.
• Children are to be collected at the normal time at the end of the school day.
• Staff that are able to attend school will be providing the childcare.
• We have also been sent a list of free school meal pupils who are entitled to collect a packed lunch/breakfast from school between the times of 11am-12pm. If you are entitled then please complete the online form (link on dojo) to be accepted to receive this.
• Finally, if it is safe to do so then the advice is to keep your child at home to avoid the unnecessary spread of the virus.
• Further information is provided within this form as to the criteria and plans going forward. If you are an essential frontline worker with a child/children aged 0-3 years please email [email protected] to arrange your support.
If it is safe to do so then the advice is to keep your child at home to avoid the unnecessary spread of the virus.
Follow the guidance from Public Health Wales. Here is the link:
Thank you